This talk overviews recent research and standardization activities on lightweight solutions for end-to-end secure (group) communication, as especially suitable for the Internet of Things (IoT).
After introducing the IETF standards CoAP and OSCORE as main building blocks for message exchange and end-to-end security, we will focus on their adaptation to support secure communication in groups.
This will cover message protection with the Group OSCORE security protocol; the secure provisioning of group keying material leveraging the ACE framework for access control; as well as advanced communication models and supportive management services for secure group communication.
Dr. Marco Tiloca received the Ph.D. Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2013. He is currently a Senior Researcher in the Cybersecurity Unit of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in Stockholm (Sweden). His research interests are in the field of network and communication security, and include security in the Internet of Things, secure group communication, key management, and access control. He has long-time experience in European and national R&D projects, where he has also served as National Coordinator, Technical Coordinator and Work Package Leader. Marco is actively involved in standardization activities under the premier international body Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), where he has also been serving as Chair of the Working Group “Constrained RESTful Environments” (CoRE).
Attending the seminar
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🕒 Thursday 1st juin 2023 14:00 | (UTC+02:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris
☎️ : Join by phone +33-1851-48835 France Toll +33-1-7091-8646 France Toll 2 Acces code : 273 441 59728 (password : 76726344 for phone and video equipment)