On 26/01/2023, Mohamed-Aymen CHALOUF, lecturer at the IUT of Lannion and permanent member of the SOTERN team defended his authorization to direct research. The team congratulates Mohamed-Aymen CHALOUF for this important moment in the life of a researcher. A video of the defense is available here. You will find below the subject of this HDR and the composition of the jury:
Performance and security management in the IoT
IoT has become a reality and its many applications improve the daily lives of users. Among the fields of application of the IoT, we can cite health, transport, the environment, agriculture and home. Given the diversity of devices involved, the multitude of access networks used and the amount of data exchanged and stored in the IoT, the performance issues and security risks are manifold. Thus, we are interested in the control and management of performance and security in the IoT. Since the IoT covers several application domains and each of these domains has its own characteristics, the solutions proposed for performance and security management must adapt to the characteristics of each domain. For these reasons, we have proposed several solutions aimed at optimizing the performance and improving the protection of the following IoT environments: electronic health systems, cooperative intelligent transport systems, surveillance systems and smart city systems.
Jury members
Mohamed Jmaiel Professeur, Universite de Sfax – Tunisie
Maryline Laurent Professeure, Telecom SudParis
Guy Pujolle Professeur emerite, Sorbonne Universite
Francine Krief Professeure, Bordeaux INP
Pascal Lorenz Professeur, Universite de Haute-Alsace
Zoubir Mammeri Professeur, Universite Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier
Nicolas Montavont Professeur, IMT Atlantique
Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen Professeure, Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord
Cesar Viho Professeur, Universite de Rennes 1